
5D routing matrix

A 5D routing matrix for PD affords programatic/instruction-based access to conduct signal routing on-the-fly with variable destinations, fade-time, and scheduling (wait x-ms first).


[; route <out> <in> <value> <ms-to-fade> <ms-to-wait>(

This effectively decouples the patching interface from the PD GUI, allowing control to be given to, ie., the MobMuPLat touchscreen interface, which implements a grid control and 3 sliders (value, ms-to-fade, ms-to-wait).

This also exposes the potential for live-coding/text-based triggering, ie:

[metro 100]
[; route <dac~> <adc~ 1> 1 10 0; r <dac~> <adc~ 1> 0 10 20(
[metro 101]
[; route <dac~> <adc~ 2> 1 10 0; r <dac~> <adc~ 2> 0 10 20(
toggle waveform
zoom: 0:00 / 0:00